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Result codes

Address Verification Service (AVS)

Address Verification Service (AVS) is a service provided by the payment brands that determines the match or partial match of the consumer's address information. Below is a table of AVS response codes and their descriptions.

AAddress matches, zip code does not match.
BAddress matches, postal code does not match (foreign card).-
CAddress and postal code do not match (foreign card).-
DAddress and postal code match (foreign card).-
EIneligible transaction or message contains content error.-
FAddress and postal code match (UK only).-
GAddress and postal code verification not supported by card issuer (foreign card).-
IAddress not verified (foreign card).-
MAddress and postal code match (foreign card).-
NNeither address nor ZIP code matches.
PPostal code matches, address does not match (foreign card).-
RSystem unavailable or timed out. Retry.
SCard issuer does not support address verification system.
UAddress information is unavailable (domestic).
W9-digit ZIP code matches, address does not match.
XAddress and 9-digit ZIP code match.
YAddress and 5-digit ZIP code match.
Z5-digit ZIP code matches, address does not.

Card Verification Value (CVV)

The table below explains the card verification value (CVV) response codes that you might receive when you are carrying out a CVV check or verifying a card.

MCard verification value matches.
NCard verification value does not match or is invalid.
PCard verification value not processed.
UIssuer not registered. Issuer has not certified for CVV or issuer has not provided Visa with the CVV encryption keys.
SIssuer indicates that CVV data should be present on the card, but the merchant has indicated data is not present on the card.

Merchant Advice Code (MAC)

The Merchant Advice Code (MAC) is a Mastercard-specific code that provides more details about a response:

  • The reason for approving or declining a transaction.
  • The actions merchants can take to continue to serve their customers.
01New account information available.
02Cannot approve at this time, try again later.
03Do not try again.
04Token requirements not fulfilled for this token type.
05Negotiated value not approved.
21Recurring payment cancelled.
22Merchant does not qualify for product code.
24Retry after 1 hour (Mastercard use only).
25Retry after 24 hours (Mastercard use only).
26Retry after 2 days (Mastercard use only).
27Retry after 4 days (Mastercard use only).
28Retry after 6 days (Mastercard use only).
29Retry after 8 days (Mastercard use only).
30Retry after 10 days (Mastercard use only).
40Consumer non-reloadable prepaid card.
41Consumer single-use virtual card number.
42Sanctions scoring service.