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uP IDs

All users on the uP Platform are provided with an uP ID type at the time of their account creation. The uP Payments solution uses 2 uP ID types; the type of ID that you're assigned depends on your customer profile.

uP Partner ID

Reseller client customer types are provided with a unique uP Partner ID. uP Partner IDs are formatted with the prefix "PID" (ex. PID-1234567). In the uP Payments solution, the uP Partner ID is used for setting up a client's SFTP access (if required); it is also used to identify reports and to associate merchants with their reseller client.

uP Account ID

Enterprises, marketplaces, and merchants that have been onboarded to the uP Platform by a reseller client, are each provided a unique uP Account ID.


Merchants that are onboarded to the uP Platform via a reseller client through NomuPay's merchant onboarding API will first be assigned an uP POM Account ID. The uP POM Account ID is what is used to identify a merchant of a reseller client during the risk and underwriting process. Once a merchant of a reseller client has been fully approved, the uP POM Account ID will automatically transition into the uP Account ID variable.

The uP Account ID is formatted with the prefix "EID" (ex. EID-1234567). This ID is referenced whenever an action related to the enterprise, marketplace or merchant of a reseller client occurs on the uP Platform; the uP Account ID is used to set up an enterprise's or marketplace's SFTP access (if required) and is used to identify reports.