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Payments Partner Systems can access 4 standard reports as part of their uP Path solution:


  1. Transaction report

  2. Funding Report


As a standard offering, NomuPay does not provide reports or reporting data directly to merchants of Payments Partner System. NomuPay provides reporting data to the Payments Partner System only (either via SFTP or API); the Payments Partner System is then responsible for sharing this data with their merchants. If you are a Payments Partner System you will also be provided with a monthly Rev Share / Buy Rate Reconciled report, depending on the terms of your agreement. More details on this report will be provided to you during your Payments Partner System onboarding process.


Transaction Report

Funding Report

Report Data


Reports are provided to Payment Partner System via webhook services. The Partner can also obtain the latest payment status and activity using the GET API calls available from NomuPay's platform.

SFTP setup

Payments Partner Systems can opt to receive their standard reports via SFTP.


The data provided in the Transaction and funding reports is also available via API (see the Retrieve payments section of our API documentation under Get all transactions and Get transaction by ID for more details). If you are only receiving reporting data via API, the following documentation on SFTP will not be applicable to your solution.

To setup your reporting folder directory, all that is required is as follows:

  1. For enterprise and marketplaces: your uP Partner ID (these IDs are assigned during onboarding),

  2. An SFTP client (Filezilla, for example),

  3. Your SSH public/private keys, (Not sure how to generate your SSH public/private keys? The team over at Acquia have provided some easy-to-use instructions here), and

  4. Your public IP address (NomuPay will need to whitelist this as part of the setup process)

Once you've generated your SSH keys, please take a moment to send the public key and your public IP address to your NomuPay representative. Our team will use this key to create your SFTP connection. Once your connection has been established (we will confirm this with you via email) you will be able to log in using your SFTP client using your uP Partner ID (ex. PID-1234567), as your username. Your password will be your private key and must be used with the "Key File" Logon type. For more information on this Logon Type, please review this helpful article from Filezilla.

Once connected, you will see the following directory: uP-Path. Within the directory you will see the following subdirectories:

  • Reports (this is where NomuPay will load "Report" files)
    • Payments
      • Transaction-Report
        • Archive
      • Funding-Report
        • Archive

You can choose to automate the extraction of the .csv files, by applying a script. For your convenience, please find a simple example below, which can serve as a base for you to script the extraction of data from Transaction Reports:

cd transaction-report/
for f in $FILES
parse(f) #up to you to choose what you want to extract from the file during parsing
mv -f "$f" /archive #processed files are moved to archive

Note the above examples suggests moving processed files into archive, however what you do with these files is up to you. You can either:

  • Move processed files to archive or,

  • Keep the files in their original location and process the files based on reporting timestamp (all reports have the file name format of daily_funding_report_<AccountID>_<yyyymmddhhmmss>.csv -- making it easy for your team to process them based on the _<yyyymmddhhmmss> portion of the file name).

Please note that all files are currently kept indefinitely on the SFTP.