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Transaction report

The Transaction report is generated and delivered daily, provided a merchant has processed successful transactions. The Transaction report provides a detailed daily overview of all processed transaction events. The purpose of the Transaction report is to help enable transaction-level reconciliation.

This report is provided in a comma-separated values (.CSV) file format and is delivered through Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) folder. The file is formatted in such a way that reseller clients, enterprises and marketplaces can automate the processing of the report data into their existing systems.

The .csv version of the Transaction report is formatted with the file name: •

  • For enterprises and marketplaces: daily_transaction_report_<AccountID>_yyyymmddhhmmss>.csv
  • For reseller clients: daily_transaction_report_<PartnerID>_yyyymmddhhmmss>.csv

Reseller clients, enterprises and marketplaces can also integrate transaction reporting data into their existing systems via API. See the Retrieve payments section of our API documentation under Get all transactions and Get transaction by ID for more details.

NP Transaction ID

When a transaction is processed by the uP Platform, it will be assigned a unique identifier, called NP Transaction ID. The NP transaction ID will stay intact throughout the lifecycle of a transaction. Any Transaction Status change will trigger the NP Transaction ID to reappear with the most recent lifecycle status. This also means that the NP Transaction ID can appear more than once in a Transaction report for a given day.

  • Enterprises and marketplaces will receive 1 report which contains all their daily transactions.
  • Reseller clients will receive 1 report which contains all daily transactions for their onboarded merchants.

All report fields are explained in the Report Data section below.

Data from the Transaction report is available via API. See the Retrieve payments section of our API documentation under Get all transactions and Get transaction by ID for more details.