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Contact entity

The Contact entity is used to collect individual-specific information; for example, signatories, UBOs, Directors etc. The Contact entity must be linked to an existing merchant (i.e., an existing Account entity) in the uP POM. There is a required relationship between the Contact entity and the Account entity, and multiple Contacts can be linked to a single Account (see below visual).

Contact entity


There is an optional relationship between the Contact entity and the Opportunity entity.

The table below captures the Contact entity’s required fields.


Some field values are case sensitive. These field will be denoted with an * for clarity.

Field NameValueDescriptionType
accountId6410461062cebb512This is the unique uP POM Account ID of the merchant on the uP Platform. This is provided automatically by the uP POM after the Account entity is created.Mandatory
contactClassificationDirectorIdentifies the contact's role classification.

Options are:
- Regular
- Legal Notice
- Director
- Signatory

NOTE: This is a multiple selection field, whereby you can define that the contact is both a Signatory and a UBO, for example.

* Case sensitive submission
firstNameJohnFirst name of the contact. Must use the Latin Alphabet.Mandatory
lastNameSmithLast name of the contact.

*Submission must use the Latin alphabet
emailAddressjohnsmith@companyabc.comEmail address of the contact.Mandatory
phoneNumber+85212345678Phone number of the contact. Include the country code in front.

NOTE: The "+" symbol will be accepted along with numerical digits