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Payment lifecycle status

This status depicts the current state of the payment with the all the operations that have taken place on it (captures, cancels, refunds, etc.).

The status of the payment operation refers exclusively to the result of that operation.

Payment lifecycle statuses

unknownThe create payment operation is not completed. When an error occurred during payment processing and the current state cannot be determined yet. The status will change as soon as the final status is known.
failedThe create payment operation is completed. It was failed for technical reasons.
declinedThe create payment operation is completed. It was declined by the processor (issuers/payment schemes).
rejectedThe create payment operation is rejected.
abortedThe create payment operation is completed. It has been cancelled (either by you or the consumer). Session timeout before the completion of an operation (in the asynchronous flow) also carries aborted status.
pendingThe create payment operation requires next steps. You, the consumer or issuer/payment scheme should take an action to complete the transaction attempt. This status could appear when the consumer is in session or post payment session. Pending status also signifies the unknown status where the status of the transaction is not available or confirmed by the issuers/payment schemes.
approvedThe create payment operation is completed. The payment was authorized by the processor (issuers/payment schemes) and it is pending to capture.
partially_cancelledPart of the authorized amount has been cancelled. There are no captures or refunds on the payment.
cancelledAll the authorized amount has been cancelled. There are no captures or refunds on the payment.
partially_capturedPart of the authorized amount has been captured. There are no refunds on the payment.
capturedAll the authorized amount has been captured. There are no refunds on the payment.
partially_refundedPart of the authorized amount has been refunded.
refundedAll the authorized amount has been refunded.