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Operation status

The payload field status when the request is successful (HTTP status code 200 Ok).

Payment statuses

This status refers exclusively to the result of the create payment operation.

The payment lifecycle status depicts the current state of the payment with all the operations that have taken place on it (captures, cancels, refunds, etc.).

succeededPayment or Authorization operation is successful and approved by the processor (issuers/payment schemes). All the needed actions by you and the consumer are completed successfully. This triggers an offline process at our end, where transactions are submitted to the processors or payment schemes for clearing. Successfully cleared transactions will be paid out to you.
Note: In case you have opted for manual capture, before the consumer is actually charged and before you receive the funds, you must capture the authorization.
verifiedConsumer account is successfully verified by the issuer (zero-value auth).
pendingYou, the consumer or issuer/payment scheme should take an action to complete the transaction attempt. This status could appear when the consumer is in session or post payment session. Pending status also signifies the unknown status where the status of the transaction is not available or confirmed by the issuers/payment schemes.
declinedTransaction is declined by the processor (issuers/payment schemes).
rejectedTransaction is rejected by our system and it is not sent to the processor.
failedTransaction is failed due to incorrect/missing data or internal system error at the processor. Error occurred while sending the transaction to the processor also carries failed status.
abortedIndicates that the operation has been cancelled (either by you or the consumer). Session timeout before the completion of an operation (in the asynchronous flow) also carries aborted status.

Increment statuses

succeededIncrement operation is successful.
declinedIncrement operation is declined by the processor (issuers/payment schemes).
rejectedIncrement operation is rejected by our system and it is not sent to the processor.
failedIncrement operation is failed due to incorrect/missing data or internal system error at the processor. Error occurred while sending increment request to the processor also carries failed status.

Capture statuses

succeededInstruction to capture the authorised funds is successful. This triggers an offline process at our end, where transactions are submitted to the processors or payment schemes for clearing. Successfully cleared transactions will be paid out to you.
pendingStatus of the capture operation from the issuers/payment schemes is unknown at this moment.
declinedCapture operation is declined by the processor (issuers/payment schemes).
rejectedCapture operation is rejected by our system and it is not sent to the processor.
failedCapture operation is failed due to incorrect/missing data or internal system error at the processor. Error occurred while sending capture request to the processor also carries failed status.

Cancel statuses

succeededCancel/reversal/void operation is successful. This means the consumer account won't be debited and the funds won't be credited to you.
pendingStatus of the cancel operation from the issuers/payment schemes is unknown at this moment.
declinedCancel operation is declined by the processor (issuers/payment schemes).
rejectedCancel operation is rejected by our system and it is not sent to the processor.
failedCancel operation is failed due to incorrect/missing data or internal system error at the processor. Error occurred while sending cancel request to the processor also carries failed status.

Refund statuses

succeededRefund operation is successful.
pendingStatus of the refund operation from the issuers/payment schemes is unknown at this moment.
declinedRefund operation is declined by the processor (issuers/payment schemes).
rejectedRefund operation is rejected by our system and it is not sent to the processor.
failedRefund operation is failed due to incorrect/missing data or internal system error at the processor. Error occurred while sending refund request to the processor also carries failed status.

Credit statuses

succeededCredit operation is successful.
declinedCredit operation is declined by the processor (issuers/payment schemes).
rejectedCredit operation is rejected by our system and it is not sent to the processor.
failedCredit operation is failed due to incorrect/missing data or internal system error at the processor. Error occurred while sending credit request to the processor also carries failed status.