Features | |
Method | Async - GET Redirect |
Countries | Poland |
Processing currencies | PLN, EUR |
Increments | - |
Captures | - |
Partial/Multiple partial captures | - |
Cancels | - |
Partial/Multiple partial cancels | - |
Refunds | ✅ |
Partial/Multiple partial refunds | ✅ |
Recurring | - |
Installments | - |
Credits | - |
Disputes | - |
Min Amount | 0.01 |
Account verification | - |
Przelewy24 Banking/Wallets is a online payment solution that allows real-time debiting of a consumer's internet banking account/wallet and also direct crediting into the merchant's account.
When a consumer shops online using the Przelewy24 payment method, the merchant sends a payment to the PSP.
The merchant redirects to the Przelewy24 page and allows the customer to complete the purchase.
Payment flow
"processingAccountId": "2HdN2jq6XWmlkhqRC2gDTNYCvNH",
"merchantReference": "c5211d6b-0178-49f8-a06b-69df097a712f",
"amount": {
"value": 200,
"currency": "pln"
"paymentMethod": {
"type": "blik",
"blik": {
"returnUrl": "",
"consumer": {
"name": "John Doe",
"id": "27yiW9MgzBtwiodreuNOXk0rtIw",
"merchantReference": "c5211d6b-0178-49f8-a06b-69df097a712f",
"status": "pending",
"trackingUrl": "/v1/tracks/payments/{trackId}",
"reason": {
"code": "required_next_step",
"description": "An additional step is needed to complete the payment."
"nextStep": {
"type": "redirect",
"redirect": {
"method": "get",
"url": "https://payment.method/complete"